“Cilia” – The Jewish Music Series
“Cilia” – The Jewish Music Series, is a series of CD recordings featuring composed Jewish music of the highest musical standard recorded by accomplished interpreters who specialize in this field of music. It is aimed to document, raise consciousness, and revive this music, and simply bring it into the regularly performed classical repertoire of orchestras, choirs and chamber music programs throughout Europe. At the same time, it gives artists who devote their work to this field of music a podium and a structured framework, thus allowing them to focus on artistic innovation.
“Cilia” – The Jewish Music Series is a unique idea bringing together artists worldwide. It emphasizes the vivid pre-war musical tradition and its development throughout the world to this day.
“Ode to David Eisenstadt” is the first CD in the 70-417 series.
If you are interested in taking part in this project go to “application for musicians”.
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